
Product Development

Research and development is based on the mastery of electronic and mechanical technology in the specific field of fire & gas detection . Always looking for new and innovative solutions, our engineers and technicians implement firmware and sophisticated algorithms through modern development systems and equipment while maintaining complete management of the development chain, from schematic to unraveling, from mechanical drawing to code writing, and from prototyping to industrialization.
We make our skills and capabilities available for the development of new products to customer specifications


The manufacturing activity that takes place in our laboratories covers all stages, from mechanical and electrical assembly, to functional testing of products, to integration of various components to create a new product. We supply ourselves only through a network of highly specialized and qualified suppliers.
The quality of each individual product is guaranteed by performing a set of comprehensive functional tests at the factory, designed to verify its conformity in every detail before it leaves the factory.
Our high standards allow our products to be certified according to the regulations applicable in the fire & gas detection field and related installation areas (e.g. EN-54, ATEX, MED ….)